Has Tesla Peaked? – The New York Times – US 247 News

[ad_1] Tesla is in a bad spot. The world’s largest electric carmaker on Monday told employees it would lay off more than 10 percent of its work force, and two senior executives said they were leaving. Earlier this month Tesla announced a stunning drop in sales, delivering 387,000 cars worldwide in the first quarter, down … Read more

Comet Pons-Brooks: How and When to See It – US 247 News

[ad_1] Time is running out for you to spot Pons-Brooks, the devil-horned comet that swoops into view once every 71 years. Last visible to people on Earth in the 1950s, the comet is prone to outbursts, or unexpected flares in brightness. “It’s an exceptional comet,” said Eliot Herman, a retired biotechnologist at the University of … Read more

In Australia, ‘Cats Are Just Catastrophic’ – US 247 News

[ad_1] Katherine Moseby wanted to be clear: She does not hate cats. “They’re a wily beast,” she said, as her truck rumbled down a desert road. “But I respect them. They’re pretty incredible animals. Amazing hunters. Very smart.” That was precisely the problem, said Dr. Moseby, the principal scientist and co-founder of Arid Recovery, a … Read more

Al Gore Thinks Trump Will Lose and Climate Activists Will Triumph – US 247 News

[ad_1] Former Vice President Al Gore was in New York City over the weekend for a leadership training convened by the Climate Reality Project, his nonprofit organization. On Saturday, before thousands of attendees, Mr. Gore highlighted mounting climate perils but also spoke of progress. He slammed fossil fuel companies for ramping up plastics production and … Read more

Scientists Predict Most Extensive Coral Bleaching Event on Record – US 247 News

[ad_1] The world’s coral reefs are in the throes of a global bleaching event caused by extraordinary ocean temperatures, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and international partners announced Monday. It is the fourth such global event on record and is expected to affect more reefs than any other. Bleaching occurs when corals become so … Read more

U.S. Scrutiny of Chinese Company Could Disrupt U.S. Supply Chain for Key Drugs – US 247 News

[ad_1] A Chinese company targeted by members of Congress over potential ties to the Chinese government makes blockbuster drugs for the American market that have been hailed as advances in the treatment of cancers, obesity and debilitating illnesses like cystic fibrosis. WuXi AppTec is one of several companies that lawmakers have identified as potential threats … Read more