How to Turn a Bike Ride Into a Workout – US 247 News


This is true whether you’re new to cycling, or just getting back in shape after a long winter.

“I always start with shorter, easier rides,” said Steve Johnson, a travel writer in Minneapolis who returns to his bike every spring after months of winter sports. But he added: “I try not to miss more than three days in a row. By summer, I’m riding several times a week and doing long, hilly rides every weekend.”

Riding hills once a week is great way to push your fitness, said Ms. Chychota, once you’re comfortable riding the flats. She recommends starting with short climbs: Ride hard up a hill for one minute, return to the bottom at an easy pace — and then turn around and do it again. Start with four or five repeats, and gradually extend the length of these repeats until you can climb for four minutes, eight times over.

On one of your shorter days each week, consider adding some interval training — short bursts of speed followed by easier riding to increase your endurance and performance. Find a faster pace, around 90 percent of your maximum, that you could only hold for five minutes, and look for flatter stretches of road.

Here is a weekly progression that Ms. Chychota recommends. You should be challenged, but if you struggle to complete one week’s workout, it’s fine to repeat it until you feel like moving on.

After this, you will be a fairly fit cyclist, but keep these workouts in your routine. As with any activity, remember to start low and slow, but also, don’t be intimidated, said Mr. Traill: “Cycling is a great form of exercise, and it’s also inherently fun.”

Amanda Loudin is a freelance writer covering health and science.
