Hundreds of Metro Detroit Jews stranded at DC airport by absent bus drivers – US 247 News


Hundreds of members of Detroit’s Jewish community flew to Washington, DC, to march in solidarity with Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza on Tuesday, but some of them say they had trouble participating because of what they said was a “malicious walk-off ” by some bus drivers.

Local members of the Jewish Federation of Detroit and the Jewish Community Relations Council went to the country’s capital to focus the national conversation on freeing the estimated 240 hostages Hamas took from Israel on Oct. 7, said David Kurzmann, senior director of community affairs at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit.

But some buses hired to transport “a significant number” of the groups’ participants from Dulles International Airport to the site of the march, according to Kurzmann, failed to appear, which delayed and in some cases prevented their arrival at the event.
