Police: Man on scooter killed in MTA bus crash near Inner Harbor – US 247 News


A 31-year-old man riding on a scooter died after he was struck by an MTA bus Sunday evening near the Inner Harbor, police said.

Police said the man was struck by the bus shortly after 6 pm at the intersection of E. Pratt and Light streets. The bus then crashed into a light pole.

The man died at the scene, according to officers.

“Somebody was yelling, ‘We need help, we need help,’” said Brian DeLude.

DeLude and his family, who are visiting Baltimore, saw it all.

“We did see it happen,” DeLude said. “We saw the bus veer off and knock down the pole and we saw a scooter, so we assumed the bus was trying to avoid the scooter.”

The driver of the bus was taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

“It was so surreal,” DeLude said. “It almost looked like something you’d see in a movie”

The bus ended up partially on the sidewalk near a bank. The front driver’s side windshield was smashed.

Police have not said what led up to the crash.

DeLude said he’s thinking of the victim’s family.

“It’s just awful,” DeLude said. “This is a great part of the town that I wish people could feel safe in and it’s just awful that that happened… I’m really sorry for the family and anyone that cared for that individual. “It’s just tragic.”

Baltimore Police and MTA Police were on the scene Sunday night.
